
By default, no middleware in Expressive is templated. We do not even provide a default templating engine, as the choice of templating engine is often very specific to the project and/or organization.

We do, however, provide abstraction for templating via the interface Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateInterface, which allows you to write middleware that is engine-agnostic. For Expressive, this means:

  • All adapters MUST support template namespacing. Namespaces MUST be referenced using the notation namespace::template when rendering.
  • Adapters MUST allow rendering templates that omit the extension; they will, of course, resolve to whatever default extension they require (or as configured).
  • Adapters SHOULD allow passing an extension in the template name, but how that is handled is left up to the adapter.
  • Adapters SHOULD abstract layout capabilities. Many templating systems provide this out of the box, or similar, compatible features such as template inheritance. This should be transparent to end-users; they should be able to simply render a template and assume it has the full content to return.

In this documentation, we'll detail the features of this interface, the various implementations we provide, and how you can configure, inject, and consume templating in your middleware.

We currently support:

Each has an associated container factory; details are found in the factories documentation.