How can I autowire routes and pipelines?

Expressive 2.0 switches to programmatic piplines and routes, versus configuration-driven pipelines and routing. One drawback is that with configuration-driven approaches, users could provide configuration via a module ConfigProvider, and automatically expose new pipeline middleware or routes; with a programmatic approach, this is no longer possible.

Or is it?

Delegator Factories

One possibility, available since the Expressive 2.X skeleton application, is to use delegator factories on the Zend\Expressive\Application instance in order to inject these items.

A delegator factory is a factory that delegates creation of an instance to a callback, and then operates on that instance for the purpose of altering the instance or providing a replacement (e.g., a decorator or proxy). The delegate callback usually wraps a service factory, or, because delegator factories also return an instance, additional delegator factories. As such, you assign delegator factories, plural, to instances, allowing multiple delegator factories to intercept processing of the service initialization.

For the purposes of this particular example, we will use delegator factories to both pipe middleware as well as route middleware.

To demonstrate, we'll take the default pipeline and routing from the skeleton application, and provide it via a delegator factory instead.

First, we'll create the class App\Factory\PipelineAndRoutesDelegator, with the following contents:


namespace App\Factory;

use App\Action;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Zend\Expressive\Application;
use Zend\Expressive\Helper\ServerUrlMiddleware;
use Zend\Expressive\Helper\UrlHelperMiddleware;
use Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ImplicitHeadMiddleware;
use Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ImplicitOptionsMiddleware;
use Zend\Expressive\Middleware\NotFoundHandler;
use Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\ErrorHandler;

class PipelineAndRoutesDelegator
     * @param ContainerInterface $container
     * @param string $serviceName Name of the service being created.
     * @param callable $callback Creates and returns the service.
     * @return Application
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $serviceName, callable $callback)
        /** @var $app Application */
        $app = $callback();

        // Setup pipeline:

        // Setup routes:
        $app->get('/', Action\HomePageAction::class, 'home');
        $app->get('/api/ping', Action\PingAction::class, '');

        return $app;

Where to put the factory

You will place the factory class in one of the following locations:

  • src/App/Factory/PipelineAndRoutesDelegator.php if using the default, flat, application structure.
  • src/App/src/Factory/PipelineAndRoutesDelegator.php if using the recommended, modular, application structure.

Once you've created this, edit the class App\ConfigProvider; in it, we'll update the getDependencies() method to add the delegator factory:

public function getDependencies()
    return [
        /* . . . */
        'delegators' => [
            \Zend\Expressive\Application::class => [

Where is the ConfigProvider class?

The ConfigProvider class is in one of the following locations:

  • src/App/ConfigProvider.php if using the default, flat, application structure.
  • src/App/src/ConfigProvider.php using the recommended, modular, application structure.

Why is an array assigned?

As noted above in the description of delegator factories, since each delegator factory returns an instance, you can nest multiple delegator factories in order to shape initialization of a service. As such, they are assigned as an array to the service.

Once you've done this, you can remove:

  • config/pipeline.php
  • config/routes.php
  • The following lines from public/index.php:

php // Import programmatic/declarative middleware pipeline and routing // configuration statements require 'config/pipeline.php'; require 'config/routes.php';

If you reload your application at this point, you should see that everything continues to work as expected!

Caution: pipelines

Using delegator factories is a nice way to keep your routing and pipeline configuration close to the modules in which they are defined. However, there is a caveat: you likely should not register pipeline middleware in a delegator factory other than within your root application module.

The reason for this is simple: pipelines are linear, and specific to your application. If one module pipes in middleware, there's no guarantee it will be piped before or after your main pipeline, and no way to pipe the middleware at a position in the middle of the pipeline!

As such:

  • Use a config/pipeline.php file for your pipeline, OR
  • Ensure you only define the pipeline in a single delegator factory on your Application instance.

Caution: third-party, distributed modules

If you are developing a module to distribute as a package via Composer, you should not autowire any delegator factories that inject pipeline middleware or routes in the Application.


As noted in the above section, pipelines should be created exactly once, at the application level. Registering pipeline middleware within a distributable package will very likely not have the intended consequences.

If you ship with pipeline middleware, we suggest that you:

  • Document the middleware, and where you anticipate it being used in the middleware pipeline.
  • Document how to add the middleware service to dependency configuration, or provide the dependency configuration via your module's ConfigProvider.

With regards to routes, there are other considerations:

  • Routes defined by the package might conflict with the application, or with other packages used by the application.

  • Routing definitions are typically highly specific to the router implementation in use. As an example, each of the currently supported router implementations has a different syntax for placeholders:

  • /user/:id + "constraints" configuration to define constraints (zend-router)

  • /user/{id} + "tokens" configuration to define constraints (Aura.Router)
  • /user/{id:\d+} (FastRoute)

  • Your application may have specific routing considerations or design.

You could, of course, detect what router is in use, and provide routing for each known, supported router implementation within your delegator factory. We even recommend doing exactly that. However, we note that such an approach does not solve the other two points above.

However, we still recommend shipping a delegator factory that would register your routes, since routes are often a part of module design; just do not autowire that delegator factory. This way, end-users who can use the defaults do not need to cut-and-paste routing definitions from your documentation into their own applications; they will instead opt-in to your delegator factory by wiring it into their own configuration.


  • We recommend using delegator factories for the purpose of autowiring routes, and, with caveats, pipeline middleware:
  • The pipeline should be created exactly once, so calls to pipe() should occur in exactly one delegator factory.
  • Distributable packages should create a delegator factory for routes only, but should not register the delegator factory by default.